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Be a Better Mom, One Small Moment at a Time

GREAT moms know this secret: it’s the small moments that matter most. A few seconds of being intentional will quickly add up to make your kids feel valued and loved in your home.
I know your day is full and your to do list is long. But I also know this. Being a better mom isn’t rocket science. You can start with just 5 seconds of being intentional with your attention and affection. It’s as simple as that!

It’s time to turn your day around, mama!

  1. Give an Eskimo kiss
  2. Start a tickle fight
  3. Say “You’re so kind.”
  4. Say “I like the way you did that.”
  5. Race the grocery cart down an empty aisle
  6. Make up a secret handshake
  7. Gaze at the moon before you enter the house at night
  8. Take a deep breath and count to five together
  9. Ask “What are you thankful for today?”
  10. Dance in the car at a stoplight
  11. Race to the nearest tree
  12. Give a hug
  13. Make shadow puppets on the wall
  14. Bring your child iced tea or hot chocolate just because
  15. Have a silly face contest
  16. Sing the ABC song as fast as you possibly can
  17. Make funny animal sounds
  18. Watch an ant hard at work
  19. Splash in a puddle
  20. Doodle a silly drawing
  21. Look into their eyes when you speak to them
  22. Start a staring contest
  23. Share a piece of chocolate
  24. Play a speed round of Simon says
  25. Help them find a book to read
  26. Jump on the bed together
  27. Write down Grandma’s phone number and let them call her
  28. Scratch their back
  29. Bring them a pillow to prop their feet up
  30. Give a silly wink
  31. Whistle a tune
  32. Do the “wheelbarrow” walk
  33. Tell a joke
  34. Give a high five
  35. Say “I love you.”
If your day is looking a little uninspired, take action!
You can be a better mom today.
All it takes are a few small moments all bundled together to make an intentional impact on your family.
here is the info-graphic for 5 sec fix for mums

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