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Child Day Care Center Activities

Children love involving themselves in playing games and doing fun activities. At day care center, various indoor and outdoor activities are being designed for kids keeping their interests and learning aptitudes in minds. Every kid has different psychology, different growth physiques and learning calibre level.Hence, activities should be designed and created accordingly to personalized needs according to their ages, genders and mental capabilities.
Indoor Activities
Kids needs to be get involved in productive indoor activities to improve their physical and mental growth. Various indoor activities can be arranged by Child Day Care Centers:

Marshmallow Tinkertoys
Build a house from a bag of marshmallows and some thin crisp biscuit baked sticks. These things build various things like cute puffy pal or a 3-D hut. Children can easily skewers the marshmallows with the wooden sticks to come up with their own masterpiece. Create more fun environment by adding toys like animals and dolls in the daycare center and ask them to play role play games.

Family-Photos Bingo

To improve child’s memory  and help him/her in learning the family members tree with the game of photos. Take 9 family pics and organize them into rows of 3, then give your kid 9 playing cards or checkers pieces to present as bingo chips in gift. When somebody chants "Mommy" or "Grandpa," toddler conceals thes nap with the card. Whoever makes 3 in a row gets the bingo chips in present.

Grandparent & Parents Greetings Products Good day care centers are equipped with stationery materials like cardboards, foaming sheets, pencils, colors, glue, cut out magazine pictures, glitters, and stickers. Toddlers are encouraged to design cards for their grandparents, parents, siblings and friends occassion wise. Also they are taught to write cute innocent letters to their relatives living in other countries or city. Stamping and posting activity also done by them

Critical Storytelling

Usually storytelling is told to kids at their sleeping time. But in recent times things have changed kids are asked critical questions after telling them stories, what he/she will do if they were in that situation or character? Reading bedtime stories give new life to old stories. Before sleeping sessions in day care centers, if caretakers read story of Cinderella to group of kids then they can ask the meanings of step sister, and their bad attitude towards Cinderella, what would they do they were in her position? Will they cry or ran away? It will enhance  children’s critical thinking.

The first decision you'll probably need to make is whether you want to use an external childcare service, or if you'd prefer a carer to come to your home.

Outdoor Activities

In Day Care centers, usually outdoor activities are arranged for toddlers and kids according to the weather and temperature. They are time bounded and keeping the concerns of their ages and physiques.

Outdoor play for Various ages

While playing outside, kids learn to interact with their environment and surroundings and they learn things in natural world around them.
For Babies
  • On a blanket or towel for tummy time.
  • Crawling on grass carpet.
  • Trees, flowers, leaves and branches sighting and audible sounds of chirping birds.
  • Sighting at various coloured cars, bikes, street signs or traffic light signals.

For Toddlers
  • Toddlers loves to explore the world around them. They keenly test their skills.
  • Playing with ball.
  • .Tricycling, pushing & pulling various toys and objects.
  • Walking, running or jumping.  Merry go around trees, climbing stones or cracks in the footpath.
  • Blowing bubbles and run towards them at floating bubbles.
  • Water tub baths under strict supervision.
  • Playing in sand, mud or little amounts of water.
For Preschool Kids

  • Preschoolers are likely to learn with more kids and make new friends.
  • Hide and Seek, kick to kick game.
  • Running and chasing game of police and thief.
  • Observing flowers, leaves, plant, fruits, and streams in parks and garden.
  • Climbing over small or fallen trees, crawling through tunnels in parks.
  • playing games of chasey, hide-and-seek or kick-to-kick
  • Daily walking.
  • Building blocks castles.
  • Picking flowers, fruits and vegetables in the basket.
Conclusion Kids have natural talents to explore and try new things. But parents are worried about giving them chances of exploration, as they feel that they can harm themselves and have bruises. But at day care centers children are allowed to do activities under vigilant supervision of caretakers.

Marina Family Day Care Center situated in  Birrong, New South Wales, 2143, Australia provides all indoor and outdoor facilities for babies, toddlers, and preschool kids. Your kids can learn with fun, perform various activities and explore new things.

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